
Children begin to learn that music and movement communicate messages and represents actions. Music naturally delights and moves most children. Throughout the early childhood years, children are learning to do new things with their body and music and movement encourages children to explore what they are able to do.

Listed below are some suggested learning objectives that support a child’s overall development.

  • Children develop social skills by playing co‐operative musical games (such as ring a ring a rosy or musical statues).
  • Gives children a chance to recognize that music and dance can express moods and different feelings in an appropriate social way.
  • Increases children’s awareness of different movements (fold your legs like the frog in the song).
  • Improves children’s balance, co‐ordination and rhythm through dancing and other movement activities.
  • Helps to develop children’s fine motor skills (learning finger plays and playing musical instruments).
  • Develops children’s creativity and imagination by responding to music through movement.
  • Refines children’s listening skills by noticing changes in rhythm, beat or tempo (clapping fast or slow).

Most children start learning about their world by acting on objects and people and begin thinking with their bodies before using words. By using movement children aren’t limited by their verbal abilities. For example, when asking a group of children “what are some other ways you can think of, to get from this side of the room to the other”. Children will more likely respond through movement rather than verbally.
Singing or chanting can help make routine activities and transitions smoother and more enjoyable. Music tempo also helps to set up a mood. Quiet, soothing music calms and relaxes children, while a lively tune creates an energetic clean up.

Children are also encouraged to develop their social development as music and movement activities help children feel part of the group.

Head,Shoulders,Knees and Toes
If you are happy and you know it!
One little finger,One little finger