Art & Craft

Arts and crafts for kids have many benefits for children and we believe the following benefits are direct and indirect when kids are carrying out art and craft projects following a set guide or experimenting and using their own creativity! 

Brain Development

Problem solving and thinking creatively from a young age helps develop a child’s brain.

Fine Motor Skills

Holding pencils, pens, cutting with scissors, drawing, painting, sticking – all of these help develop fine motor skills and coordination.

Shape Matching

Shapes themselves fall under the geometry standards of math. Shape matching can help young children and preschoolers develop problem-solving skills at an early age, which will benefit their development as well as give them a head start for preschool and kindergarten.

Colour Matching

Colour matching, sorting and learning about colours also helps develop coordination and concentration in young kids.

Communication Skills

Working together following a simple guide helps to develop communication skills including listening skills and verbal communication when the child explains what they are doing and what they have done.

Marble Painting
Chatter Box
Rainbow Wand